Wednesday, May 1, 2019

PRISMA App and My Vacation Photos

PRISMA App and My Vacation Photos

Fort Worden is a picturesque vacation spot located on the Olympic Peninsula in Port Townsend, WA. This shot was taken from one of the officer's houses we rented overlooking a large grassy expanse with Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound. PRISMA has changed the colors and created brushstrokes emulating a pastel painting. I like how the sailboat was simplified in both shape and color and how the figure walking along the sidewalk has been accentuated in pink.

This photo of the lighthouse at Pt. Wilson has been modified by PRISMA to emulate a painting in the style of the artist Piet Mondrian. The geometric areas repeat shapes often found in his artwork. Even the colors are as if the artist has chosen them. You can still make out the buildings! PRISMA has inspired family members and friends alike to check out the app, and I've even received framed artwork from them as gifts.

This picture was taken in a cafe in San Francisco while my daughter and I were attending one of Tom Petty's final concerts in Berkely, CA. The colors make it look like a perfectly sunny day! The background of my page gives nods to both PRISMA and Edvard Munch. We also visited the SFMoMA during the 'An Icon of Emotion' exhibit.

Besides taking your own photographs with your smartphone while you're on vacation, try using an app such as PRISMA to get creative and make your own works of art. Anyone can do it!

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